Whenever the word "diet" comes up people's mind tend to jump to low carb, whole grains, more fiber etc. aside from the initial "I will never eat anything good again" thought.
However, did you know that your body, especially your brain runs on carbs? That is your primary source of energy. Without getting too technically, you need carbs; but the right kind. The complex kind. These carbs come from whole foods that break down slowly in the body, verse simple carbs that are pretty much in the straight sugar form with no real nutrient value and enter our cells to quickly. If it isn't used, you don't lose it you store it!
Which brings me to the white rice vs. brown rice debate.
Naturally, you may assume brown rice should be the clear winner. After all we have been taught white bread is not the best choice; eat whole wheat. And honestly, I thought this too for years. Until recently when I learned the difference between the two.
White rice is brown rice but with out its thick germ layer coat. The problem is this germ layer, while it does have fiber and nutrients, has poor bio-availability. Simply stated our bodies don't get any real value from it and passes through our bowels without being used. While fiber is important to our diet this is the insoluble kind that just bulks up our stools.
Also while brown and white rice have the same amount of calories brown rice has more fat in it. Not much like 2g vs white rice 0g, but still that is an extra 18 calories per cup. {White rice 200 calories Brown rice 218}.
But why all the hype on brown rice then? Apparently the research on brown rice and its health benefits was done based on brown rice found in Japan. Here they take around 75% of the germ layer off, making it more bio-available and reaping the fiber health benefits. Here in the States our brown rice doesn't come that way. I suppose you may be able to find some, but I really haven't attempted too.
As with anything moderation is key. Chances are you are not consuming rice daily or more than 1-2x a week. So having the white rice isn't going to ruin your "diet." Remember eating should be diversified. Choosing to eat lots of different fruits, veggies, meats and grains. Each type offers your body something different. Branch out and try new things.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
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